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Dealing with Flea and Tick Problems of Your Pet If you are looking for the best flea and tick medication, the best ones are the topical and oral medicines. When you use topical mediation, it is not something that your pet takes in but is usually applied directly on your pet’s skin which you are required to do monthly. This topical medication is usually applied between the shoulder blades or at the base of the neck. Since fleas and ticks are killed on the spot with this mediation, it is aptly called ‘spot-on’ medication. It is effective in a sense that it is a preventive measure to keep fleas and tick from even residing in your dog’s fur -unlike oral medicines where fleas and ticks has to bite first before they are poisoned. Although both topical and oral medication repel fleas and ticks what is good about topical medication is that it naturally spreads throughout the entire body of your pet through the natural oil on its fur, and are then embedded in the skin pores of your dog. In over a month’s time, this chemical deposited in the skin will slowly be released. Even after applying topical mediation, dogs can still swim and bathe since the chemical is hidden underneath the skin and it is also water-resistant. Spot on products are the most commonly used products to control that it even prevents fleas and ticks from even coming close to your dog that causes discomfort and to a large extent -skin irritation. Unlike the Topical version, Oral medicine has a preventive measure that is not similar to spot-on products but is well founded because it covers a wider scope of preventing other parasite found inside the body of your dog. Heartworm, roundworm, hookworm, and whipworms are also prevent by oral medicine in combination with other medication.
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Flea and tick collars are another product that closely resembles the spot-on product. This is very effective if used correctly. Flea collars are convenient to use and can prevent infestation especially when you pet is always outdoors.
What I Can Teach You About Dogs
Another preventive is to let a dog immerse in a dip which is then allowed to dry on the skin afterwards. Your dog’s fur can dry up and natural oil in your dog’s fur is removed due to frequent use of this dip. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for use and disposal of the product that you choose. You should not only eliminate flea and ticks from your pet’s coat, but make sure the immediate environment of your pet is free from fleas and ticks too. Carpet powder, spray, and forgers can be used to do this. If your area is highly infested with fleas, using forgers is very effective.