How Digital Upgrades Are Changing the European Auto Industry

Like so many other industries, the European auto industry now uses digital products to increase profits. For example, Motork is a digital business that offers solutions to car dealers and manufacturers. They combine technology, marketing and automotive knowledge to provide targeted products and services. Digital professionals like this constantly mine evolving technology to identify those which can assist auto manufacturers and dealers meet market challenges.

Manufacturers Use Technology to Drive Profits

Digital products and services help auto manufacturers identify markets, target quality customers and turn leads into sales. European auto manufacturers in France, Spain, German and the UK are already benefiting from digital solutions. Some of the options they have embraced include:

  • DriveK: A program that provides manufacturers with a lead generation network. It is easily integrated into current systems and is designed to provide high-quality results.
  • Hesitation Data: Manufacturers are provided with machine learning algorithms that can identify market behavior. Data is based on user behavior. Digital information gives car makers a holistic market knowledge which helps them target the best audiences.

Digital Tools Allow Dealers to Overcome Challenges

At the dealer level digital products offer online databases that improve customer experiences. Dealers can also benefit from lead generation programs as well as marketing and training services. Options include:

  • Leadspark: This lead management platform allows dealers to manage sales, marketing and after sales. Users also have access to monitoring tools and business performance statistics. Dealers do not have to worry about integrating the program, since it is cloud based.
  • Enriched Lead: Dealers can access data that reflects leads as physical people and not just information. As a result salesman have more information, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Webspark: Tailored solutions provide dealers with user-friendly websites. They can be scaled for individual business needs and offer a range of features like car configurators, trade in data and loan simulators.
  • Internet Motors: Auto professionals are offered the chance to attend events which include industry experts. They also offer training programs, workshops, round table discussions, coaching and interviews.

European automotive manufacturers and dealers are increasing profits with the help of digital products and services. Working with digital professionals, many are integrating programs that improve lead quality, customer experiences and training.